What's better than one Thanksgiving? Obviously two!!! And when you add in a bunch of Canadians and excessive amounts of food, it only gets progressively better, eh?
This past Monday, I celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with several of my flatmates in one of our communal kitchens. Now there were some minor deviations from what one would consider to be a "normal" Thanksgiving dinner-we couldn't find a big turkey, so we settled for a large chicken. But I must say, that chicken was pretty darn good (and kind of looks like a mini turkey in the pictures.)
The side dishes were delectable. I must say I was quite impressed with the cooking abilities of my friends-especially with the limited resources we have living in University housing. (Just to get a visual: our "oven" is about 1/2 the size of a little girls play kitchen oven.) However, somehow we managed to end up with cream cheese and chive mashed potatoes, maple syrup acorn squash, stuffing ix-ney meat, brussel sprouts, peas and carrots, and two apple pies. Yes, we all gained about 5kg.
Cooking all of this stuff was probably the funniest part. a) Having 7 people bumbling around in a kitchen fit for 3 is interesting enough in itself, but became even more hysterical once the heat started from the oven and stove started to make the temp in the room skyrocket--in addition to b) Having to improvise for almost every kitchen utensil necessary. We only had one baking pan, so we had to get pretty creative in what to use for other dishes.
At the end of the night: Canadian Thanksgiving was a success! And can I say I'm already looking forward to US Thanksgiving? :)