This past weekend I traveled to London with Laura and Greta. I took the train down on a Friday afternoon and arrived just in time for dinner. Laura has a friend from BYU who lives there and offered for us to be able to stay at his place for the weekend (which is fabulous because as I am sure you can guess, London is expensive!)
It was such a wonderful opportunity to get away from Edinburgh for a few days! Friday night we had a low-key evening and ate dinner at Nando's in Euston Square. I LOVE NANDOS. For those of you in the States, Nandos is basically a chicken restaurant, but you can have your chicken any way you like it - burger, pitta, wrap, salad, plan old roast chicken - with about 15 different sauces to choose from - mild, medium, and hot peri peri, tomato and basil, spicy garlic, lemon and herb just to name a few - with about 10 different sides available as well. Most of you who know me know I love love love to eat chicken (hence, why the roast chickens in the back of Tescos shudder when I walk through the door).
Saturday we began our exploring in the markets--I will upload pictures as soon as I can find the cord for my camera (yes, I lost it--no, it's not a regular USB that every other camera takes, of course!) The markets were huge, filled with every delightful food imaginable. The flowers were exceptional. The aroma of fresh baked bread, freshly cured meats, and mulled wine permeated the air. I even was able to find a Starbucks nestled right around the corner so I could have my 4-shot, extra hot, no foam, latte fix ;-)
From there, we moved on to the Millenium Bridge, visited St. Paul's, and found our way to Oxford Street. We had dinner at Wagamomma (not sure if I am spelling this right) in Leicester Square and went back to Jake's (Laura's friend's) at a reasonable hour.
Sunday we slept in and I spent the majority of the afternoon at the Imperial War Museum in Southwark. I never bore of that museum. I have been there several times now, but it is still my favorite. It is fascinating to me to think about how war can really shape lives, whole generations in fact. I really wanted to see the 'LIfe in the Trenches' exhibit, but it was only showing at certain times and I had to catch a 4pm train back to Edinburgh. Leaves something on the schedule for next time I suppose!!
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