I have only been here a week and it feels like I have lived here for years. The country has captivated me with her beauty, her people, and her capital city of Edinburgh.
And I am officially making the transition into UK spelling, so get ready for the "-our," "-e," and "s" in place of "z." Partially out of fear for lowered marks on my term papers, but mostly because I think it's fun (and makes me sound more proper!)
I have made many interesting experiences and observations:
1. Apparently I have an accent. (Do I really have an accent?) And even more, it was described as a "Jersey" accent, by other Americans. I do not know what else to say here. Please help me.
2. The treadmills are clocked in km/hr, versus mph. I tried about 5 of them and didn't understand why my normal speed felt so slow and thus convinced SURELY all of the treadmills were broken. Enquired to the guy next to me about this, who told me the speed is in km/hr, NOT mph. Needless to say I felt a bit stupid.
3. I LOVE how the Scottish speak. They say week-end (emphasizing the "end" part of the word) instead of weekend. They say de-tail in stead of detail. It kind of makes me feel the need to go to elocution school though (as apparently I speak like an American and a Jersey American at that.)
4. The men REALLY DO wear kilts. And wouldn't you like to know I find it strangely attractive?
5. They do not call University accommodation "dorms" here--they're called "flats." Elevators are called "lifts." Still learning the vocab differences.
Am adjusting to "dorm life" - or flat life, so to speak. Yet, there are two VERY interesting (to put it mildly) facts that stick out about my wee flat. One, as discussed previously is the bed. Attached is a picture of my arm spanning the bed's width. Yes, and my amazon-sized self is supposed to sleep on this. Interesting, indeed. Two, I MUST speak of the "WC" (aka-the bathroom): it is certainly the most odd thing I've ever seen. It's about the size of a closet, yet there is a toilet, shower, and sink all stuffed into one. Like a 3-for-1 deal I suppose. But the shower has no separation from the rest of the bathroom floor! It's really quite bizarre. I will take pictures and post for your viewing pleasure. And the sink has separate "hot" and "cold" faucets. So if you come visit and wash your hands, you have two choices: scalding hot and iceberg cold. Pick your poison, lads and lassies!
Luckily, the breathtaking scenery, fabulous new friends, and exciting course opportunities have more than made up for the issues I may have with my "WC." Thanks to Andy, my lanky 6'4" friend from NC, I am learning my way about the city quite quickly. We have traipsed up to Princes Street several times now, visited through the old city centre, and ventured to programme meetings together. I wear heels and I am still short compared to him. Most glorious, indeed!
Mom and Dad are still here, though their days are waning :( I feel like a bit childish saying so, but I am going to be sad when they leave Tuesday. I don't think there are two more generous kind people (perhaps Thelma and John, my host counselor and her husband tie...) We ate at Jenner's for lunch on Friday (the OLDEST running Department store in the UK, in operation in its original location since 1838), overlooking Princes Street. Then, Mom and I had a fiasco getting to IKEA to secure the rest of the storage items and shelving my mother insisted "I needed." In fact, I quote: "Maggie, I just fear that if you do not become more organized, you shall be swallowed up and simply disappear into the abyss known as your flat...just like at Grove City." Do you think she is alluding that I am not neat?
Met Thelma and John in Dunbar for dinner Saturday night-got to see the Dunbar Castle (where olde Mary Queen of Scots stayed before she learned the future would not bode well for her...or her head...as it was chopped off in the following year.)
All in all, I am enjoying taking this all in. I cannot fully explain in detail what life is like here. It is like living in a beautiful movie.
Oh! And a quick PS-It has not rained once since I have been here! I must bring good weather ;) Yet, I did wear my infamous red rainboots today (when the sun was shining fiercely) and I was questioned about why I was wearing them-to which I answered: because they're my fav boots (and I am on a SEVERE shoe shortage, as I thought it would be prudent to spend my shoes allocation in the suitcase on boots and warm shoes versus uber high stilettos!) Therefore, if you're looking to send me a gift, sexy shoes would be fantastic. Size 9 please!
Au revoir for now!
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