Three guesses what wonderful activity is occupying my evening. If you guessed packing, you get a prize. The prize is the satisfaction of knowing that I'm stuck packing my life for an entire year tonight and you are off somewhere enjoying freedom.
On a positive note, I was able to recruit a friend for this round of packing (okay, so the friend is really my twin brother, Gordon...who is probably helping more out of obligation than friendship).
Good news is that the suitcases are packed. Slightly-not-as-good news is that the suitcases are what I would like to call obese, if suitcases can in fact be described by such an adjective. For example: Gordon (198 lbs) and I (130lbs) had to combine our weights and sit on the suitcase affectionately called "The Silver Bullet" to successfully shut it. (That probably should have indicated that ye olde Silver Bullet was quite over 50lbs.)
To accomplish the process of weighing, we confiscated Grandmom's scale. Gordon weighed himself and then proceeded to stand on the scale, holding each suitcase. I scurried underneath to capture the weight and then subtracted Gordon's weight.
After "Round #1": ALL three suitcases are over the weight limit. Big Blue and Old Green only by 5-8lbs. Silver Bullet by...well...20lbs.
Right as I was about to tackle the unappealing task of unpacking and re-arranging, my mom came in and saved the night. She offered me a 4th suitcase (I am technically only allowed 2, but mom and dad have now both offered one of their "2" towards my cause.)
INSERT HERE: GRANDIOSE sigh of relief.
Now, I must return to packing and do the re-arranging/transfer of items into the 4th suitcase, as I do NOT want to have to deal with this tomorrow.
Bonne nuit mes chers!
I should have told you, I just found some amazing $10 suitcases that only weigh about 4 pounds and they are big, so they leave you 46 pounds for your stuff. They are not necessarily the most durable things in the world but they get the job done. If you decide to take more stuff over after Christmas, I will get some for you.